Published 01/08/2017
Last Updated 20/11/2024
Acronym Meaning
AFAIK as far as I know
AFK away from keyboard
ASAP as soon as possible
ATM at the moment
BRB be right back
BTW by the way
DIY do it yourself
FTFY fixed that for you
FTW for the win / fuck the world
FYI for your information
gg (game) good game
gl hf (game) good luck, have fun
GTFO get the fuck out
IANAL I am not a lawyer
IIRC if I recall/remember correctly
IMHO in my humble opinion
IMO in my opinion
ITT in this thread
LOL laughing out loud
MFW my face when
MRW my reaction when
N/A not available/applicable
NSFW not safe for work
OMG oh my God
OP original poster/post
OTOH on the other hand
POV point of view
stfu shut the fuck up
TBA to be announced
TGIF thanks God, it's Friday
TIL today I learned
TL;DR too long; didn't read
WTF what the fuck
WTH what the hell/heck