Published | 20/08/2018 |
Last Updated | 18/11/2024 |
nvm is a node version manager software. It manages nvm and iojs versions and run on Mac & Linux.
Github repo:
# Install
curl -o- <> | bash
# Verify installation, should return 'nvm'
command -v nvm
# Install latest node version
nvm install node
# Install specific version
nvm install 8.11
# Uninstall a version
nvm uninstall 8.11
# Locate the path to an installed version
nvm which 8.11
# /Users/demo/.nvm/versions/node/v8.11.4/bin/node
# Current node version in use
nvm current
# Use latest version
nvm use node
# Use specific version
nvm use 8.11
# List installed versions
nvm ls
# List available versions of Node and iojs
nvm ls-remote
# Only list version 8
nvm ls-remote | grep v8
# Only list LTS versions
nvm ls-remote --lts
# Only list specific LTS line versions
nvm ls-remote --lts=Carbon
# Run a command using a specific node version
nvm run 8.11 --version
Yarn is a Nodejs packages management created by Facebook.
Home page:
Github repo:
Yarn is simple to use and have a nice documentation on installation and usage at: